
We believe that USA312 is one of the Brites Dragons that were shipped to the US from Portugal – they are distinguished by a B inside a star stamped on much of the hardware (Brites built Stars as well as Dragons). Of the 11 Brites Dragons that were shipped to the US, there are five that ended up on the West Coast, although one of those has been dismantled. The four that were last recorded in California are USA154 (Tahoe), 155 (LA), 183 (LA) and 182 (SF). 

This Dragon was “found in a field” in the central coast area of California and carefully rebuilt from Class Plans and CAD drawings by owner Steve Waldron from 2004-2008 at Kraus Kraven boatbuilders in Ventura CA. She was registered as USA312 by the AIDA in 2004, since there was no indication of provenance at the time. She is now at the San Diego Yacht Club in San Diego CA.

Boat NamesSpitfire
Sail Numbersunknown prior to USA312
USA312 (2004 – present)
Build Year1957
Build CountryPortugal
Restored or Rebuilt Steve Waldron at Kraus Kraven Boatbuilders in Ventura, CA 2004-2008
Significant Dates

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